> Now that I'm using my brain, I have yet another ?.  The Debian 3.1r0 has
> 14 iso's.  I downloaded them all except for the last one.

Why did you do that? Doesn't the computer you wanted to install sarge on
have access the the internet? -Even then, you probably need at most the
first three or four CDs.

If you *have* internet access on this machine, the best solution is to
grab the netinst image (only ~100MB) and use that for base install. The
installer will grab the rest from the net.

>  During the install Debian asks to scan the CD's.
> Do I need to scan all 14 CD's?

If you want to use all of them - sure. Otherwise, you just wasted 13

Fashion is more important to me than war, famine, disease or art.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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