I completely agree.  Whoever  (the attribution is not clear to me)
wrote that crap about top posters vs bottom posters is an arrogant
idiot.  Processing information in reverse order  is much more
efficient.  Unfortunately, lots of people just don't process
information that way.

I know bottom-posting is the preferred protocol here, and so I usually
respect it (this exception is just to make a point).  But just try the
other way (in a forum where it's accepted), and I think you might find
you like it.  I have my email ordered most-recent-first, and it saves
me a _lot_ of time, whether the individual emails are top- or
bottom-posted!  I'm actually a bit surprised that tech people
generally prefer bottom posting; on all the academic lists I'm on, top
posting is the norm, and it's _not_ because those people are stupid or
lazy or self-absorbed.


On 6/9/05, John Carline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What a crock of snobbish BS!
>   snobbish
>       adj : befitting or characteristic of those who inclined to social
>             exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people
>             considered inferior [syn: {clannish}, {cliquish},
>             {clubby}, {snobby}]
> Personally, I don't care where an individual posts. But, it would make
> my reading/following of threads much easier if I didn't  have to scroll
> down to the bottom of post after post in a long string just to read the
> one line added to the 200 I've already read.
> It would be much better added at the top, where it pops onto the screen
> immediately and I can go on to the next post.
> John
> Alex Malinovich wrote:
> >On Thu, 2005-06-09 at 22:06 +0100, Graham Smith wrote:
> >--snip--
> >
> >
> >>PS Have you noticed that there aren't many people who are top posting
> >>zealots? I wonder why. Maybe tops posters are just more relaxed and
> >>chilled out people. :o)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I would argue that top-posters fall into the same category as most users
> >of proprietary software. They are too lazy expend a bit of effort to
> >benefit their fellow man. Bottom-posting makes reading easier for those
> >who haven't followed an entire thread. Much in the same way that users
> >of proprietary software are too lazy to find, support, or write a free
> >alternative that would benefit all of mankind.
> >
> >As a side note, since I got on the subject of users of proprietary
> >software, I've noticed that there's an interesting distinction between
> >people who use free (As in speech) software and people who use
> >proprietary software. People who use proprietary software have a view of
> >the world which stresses "Me! Me! Me!". People who use free software
> >generally view the world in terms of "We!".
> >
> >So a top-poster is concerned about him or herself not doing extra work.
> >A bottom-poster is concerned with improving the quality of reading for
> >others.
> >
> >
> >
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