On Friday June 10 2005 12:12 am, Roger B.A. Klorese wrote:
> Alex Malinovich wrote:
> > Bottom-posting makes reading easier for those
> >who haven't followed an entire thread.
> True.  But that's the point: making it easier for those who *are*
> following a thread ahould be the priority.

No, making it easier for *everybody* should be the priority.  Email 
isn't all about the moment like you try to think it is.  It's 
preserved for posterity and not everybody wants to read a whole 
thread to figure out what solved some random printing problem.  Good 
quoting gives them a summary in the archive without having to read 
two dozen messages from six years ago in the archives.

Though if you're going to be so defensive of breaking searching the 
archives, why not just change the mailing lists to a PHPNuke?  That's 
about as easy to deal with as top-posted messages in archives (which 
is to say, like pulling teeth).

Paul Johnson
Email and Instant Messenger (Jabber): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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