On Saturday June 11 2005 12:07 pm, Olle Eriksson wrote:
> On Saturday 11 June 2005 03.39, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > On Friday June 10 2005 2:45 pm, Olle Eriksson wrote:
> > > More importantly, I think it would be difficult to use
> > > bottom-posting with html mail or rtf text or whatever it is
> > > called.
> >
> > Only in inadequate mailers.  Mutt, gnus, kmail and likely most
> > other mailers get it right.  If your mailer can't quote properly
> > on a markup message, this is a *BAD* bug and should be treated as
> > such. Write a patch or bug your vendor (and refuse to pay/do
> > business with them until they do what you want).
> That might work unless you are forced to use Lotus Notes or MS
> Outlook (like most people are, unfortunately), and as far as I know
> they don't handle it very well. And I doubt they would accept a
> patch from me. :-)

But third-party patches do exist.  Just because your patch doesn't get 
accepted by the developers doesn't mean it's not the Right Thing if 
the developer's code doesn't work right and the refuse to fix it.  It 
means the developers are badly misguided for whatever reason.

OE Quotefix comes to mind as fixing the quoting problem for Outlook 
Express users.  I believe there's a version of Quotefix for Outlook 
as well.

Now that doesn't fix OE and Outlook's general wonkyness, but it does 
make your life easier if you're stuck using it.

> > Well, positioning and formatting can be easily handled as:
> >
> > * Images can be pointed to using footnotes[1]
> > * _Underline_
> > * *bold*
> > * /italic/
> > * And of course this list, which demonstrates bullets.
> >
> > Some MUAs properly understand these conventions and convert them
> > to the appropriate formatting automagically.
> That sounds like something that could work.. KMail doesn't seem to
> do that though. And it will probably take a looong time until MS or
> Lotus decides to implement that. There are no alternative clients
> to Lotus Notes out there, is there?

Mozilla Thunderbird (even works in windows!)?  kdepim?  It's just a 
PIM with bad mail handling.

Paul Johnson
Email and Instant Messenger (Jabber): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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