On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 07:00:31PM +0100, peter colton wrote:

> part is the use of aptitude with a dist-upgrade. 

Isn't the lack of disk space the issue?

aptitude with a dist-upgrade will bring in all recommends which will eat
even more disk space!


1) apt-get upgrade

Watch packages downloading on screen. ctrl-c at a sane point.
sane point is at end/start of logical group. Don't ctrl-c when xxx_2yyy.deb 
has just downloaded and xxx-common_2yyy.deb is just starting to download!

cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
dpkg -i *deb

Watch carefully for any errors, even have pen ready to take note of
anything you consider important.

rm *deb

2) repeat 1, 1 goes down all way to 2 :-), till all upgraded

3) goto 1 but use apt-get dist-upgrade

After each "rm *deb" "df -h" to see how rapidly disk space is being

Yea, disk space is cheap but not on my old laptop with old bios and
1.1G HDD so the above steps are exactly what I am in process of doing.
And from the following I think it is the only way.

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/chrisb# apt-get dist-upgrade

   [much material snipped]

   179 upgraded, 66 newly installed, 49 to remove and 11 not upgraded.
   Need to get 176MB of archives.
   After unpacking 13.6MB of additional disk space will be used.
   E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/chrisb#


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