On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 12:58:29PM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> No?  See this:
> http://edulinux.homeunix.org/fvwm/user_enumerate.html

    Doesn't change my opinion.  I believe it was either Larry or Guido (one of
those P language makers) who once said that what makes a language suited for a
particular task is what it makes easy to do and what it makes hard to do.  So
why should something which I do all the time and can be made simple be
purposely made hard.

    KDE/XFCE: I want to start an application which I've just installed.  I
know the command name for it.  Both have a launch bar.  I enter the name, it
starts up.

    Damn.  That was easy!  So easy in fact that 80% of the time I don't
configure a launch button for any particular application.

    Want to do the same with a "pure" WM.  Step 1: open a CLI.  Step 2: enter
the command name.  Step 3: close the CLI.  Step 4: realize I forgot &! at the
end of the command.  Step 5: reopen CLI.  Step 6: type in the command name and
&!.  Step 7: close CLI.

    What if I want a fancy button.  XFCE RMB on the launcher, add new item,
launcher, enter the command name, close.  Done.  Damn.  That was easy!

    Want to do the same with a "pure" WM.  Step 1: open a CLI.  Step 2: CD to
the right directory.  Step 2a: create it if it doesn't exist.  Step 3: Fire up
the editor on the right text file.  Step 3a: create it if it doesn't exist.
Step 4: try to find the right location for the menu.  Step 5: Enter the
configuration information in the proper format.  Step 6: Save and exit editor.
Step 7: exit CLI.  Step 8, this is my faborite...  RESTART THE WM SO IT CAN
LOAD THE NEW CONFIGURATION!  Step 9: Pray for no typos or redo 1-8.

    Yes, I am fully aware of the power behind text configuration.  I however
am not about to put on the blinders and say that all configuration should be
done through text and that text is appropriate for all configuration.  Basic
configuration should be provided in a simple manner.  WMs don't do that.

> No, it's the exact, and proper definition.

    And yet it performs hardly any of the fuctions attributed to DEs like
KDE/GNOME or Winders. 

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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