Steve C. Lamb:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 04:01:33PM +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote:
> > Me neither. I have under twenty keyboard shortcuts (all
> > Win+single-character and most of them mnemonics) for the apps that I use
> > most often.
>     Ye gads.  Never understood that fetish as surely one will eventually step
> on some application's keys or an un-intentional key combo.  Like, for example,
> having ALT mapped to some function in a first person shooter and then hitting
> TAB to access another function and suddenly be staring at the desktop.  :D

Never had a problem with that. It's only Gnome and IceWM that I have
sometimes seen fighting who may catch the keypresses. But well, as I
have already predicted, I ditched Gnome just yesterday.

> > Well, to start gui programs I do not have a keyboard shortcut for, I
> > just hit Win-Space and IceWM gives me a little command line. It couldn't
> > be much easier. 
>     That's new.  :D

I think it was already there when I started using IceWM (~4 years ago)!
Unfortunately, it lacks Tab-completion and history. What I like is that
when you finish the command with Ctrl-Enter the command is started
inside a terminal. Very handy for things like 'top'.

> > I think one big difference between our usage patterns is that I prefer to
> > use the keyboard for every action. 
>     Careful, you're assuming a lot of my usage habits.  So says I writing this
> in vim to be handled by mutt while inside a GNOME terminal on my laptop
> connected to my server at home.  :P

I am using PuTTY ssh'ing to my home machine running a screen session
with mutt and vim. :-P

> > That may not sound user friendly but it's very efficient, especially when I
> > use my laptop (which is 99% of the time I spend using a computer outside of
> > my workplace). I guess if I used my desktop always with a mouse in the rigth
> > hand, I would prefer configuration via a gui too.
>     I just don't see how the miniscule efficiencies amount to much of anything
> when they are negated by odd quirks elsewhere.  In the time it takes to fire
> up a CLI, editor and edit a text file to add a menu item I can do it far
> faster with the nipple and rmb even if my hands dare to leave the home row.

Well then, it's obviously just a matter of taste and we should stop
arguing. :-)

If I could travel in time I would show my minidisc to the Romans and
become Caesar until the batteries ran out.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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