On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 02:59:26PM -0300, Fernando Cacciola wrote:
>   CPU:   Intel Pentium M 715A 1.5Ghz
>   RAM:   512MB DDR SRAM
>   VIDEO: Intel Extreme Graphics II OnBoard (64MB)
>   HD:    60Gb (4200 rpm)
>   Connectivity: IEEE 1394 high speed data port
>                 56K modem (unspecified, I guess on-board)
>                 10/100 Eth card (unspecified, I guess on-board)
>                 Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG 802.11 module
> Do you know if I can install Debian Sarge on it (and have a decent 
> performance)?

There's no reason you couldn't install Debian on it. I have
no experience using modems with Debian, but I have the
2200BG on my laptop; it works great with the Intel-provided
IPW2200 driver:


Everything else should be fine, as well.

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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