Michal Sedlak a écrit :

Hi all,
I am nearly sure that my server was hacked, but I want to be sure. Can anybody say me if it is true.

Here is tiger script output. Do you have any ideas how to repair it {no mkfs funny stuff please} There are some line interesting. I have one for every critical system command like {login, su, etc} --WARN-- [sig004w] None of the following versions of /bin/netstat (-rwxr-xr-x) matched the /bin/netstat on this machine.
and something like this for some kernel modules
--FAIL-- [lin005f] Installed file `/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/modules.symbols'
checksum differs from installed package 'kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386'.

Thank you very much for any recommendations

Login ID sashroot has uid == 0.
--WARN-- [pass002w] UID 0 exists multiple times (2) in /etc/passwd.
--WARN-- [pass012w] Home directory /root exists multiple times (2) in

can you please post & copy of /etc/passwd and /etc/group


Il est aussi vrai de dire que le sujet connaissant est un produit de la
matière que de dire que la matière est une simple représentation du sujet connaissant.
        -+- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) -+-

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