* Forrest Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050622 10:06]:
> Hi all!
>  Does anyone know why apps run from the panel aren't aware of
> user's environment vars, specifically PATH?
>  Example, if Mutt is executed from my panel, I can't execute
> commands that are in my PATH.  If I run it from a terminal window,
> I can.  The same goes for Emacs.
>  I'm using Gnome 2.8.2 in Sarge.

As others have begun to explain, customizations you make to your shell
initialization files (e.g. ~/.bashrc) are only read by shells.  One way
to get these environment settings into your X session are by making that
X session a child of a shell process.  This is always the case when you
log in from a terminal and user startx, but not so when you log in from
gdm.  I use a ~/.xsession that looks like this:

exec /bin/bash -l -c '
/sbin/start-stop-daemon -S -b -u vineet --exec /usr/bin/urxvtd
/usr/bin/xscreensaver -nosplash &
gnome-settings-daemon &
gnome-panel &
psi &
xset r rate 400 40
xset m 18/10 0
exec fvwm

... but that's just me.  The imtportant piece is the first line.  It
says to exec a bash login shell, which will read my ~/.bash_profile
(which in turn reads my ~/.bashrc) and sets up some environment
variables.  You could try something simpler, like:

exec /bin/bash -l -c gnome-session

if you just want to run a gnome session as a child of your shell

good times,

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