En/La Xeno Campanoli ha escrit, a 29/06/05 06:36:
> Let me preface this post with an apology for inappropriately sending to
> private emails without checking rather than just directly to the list. 
> I'll make an effort to be more careful in the future.
Apology accepted. Thanks.

> I have now got the kernel updated to a -686 thing, and have the
> corresponding modules, ...

Please be specific. a "-686 thing" doesn't help. Can you run $uname -a
and post the result?

> it seems I still have to figure out the alsa file stuff from the
> configuration page.  Nothing works yet, but I do have a mess of
> configuration stuff to check
> (http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Debian/alsa.html#sargestock).  Rebooting with
> the new kernel and
> modules got the lsmod listing with snd-* files, but no sound yet.  I'm
> trying to follow the instructions on this link: 

can you post the result of $lsmod

> (http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Debian/alsa.html#sargestock).  I seem to have
> everything in order.  I've attached my /etc/modules.conf file in case
> that is of interest.  I would sure appreciate further feedback on this. 
> I also did the chmod a+rw setting specified on that instruction page.  I
> know this is a drag guys, but I'd appreciate more feedback if you can
> stand it.
Have you run #alsaconf ? What happens when you do?

Please don't cc: your posting to my personal address.
Thank you.

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