At 07:03 PM 5/6/96 +1000, you wrote:
>what package does uudecode come in?

To locate a file in the Debian structure we have "Contents" files which are
available in the stable and unstals trees.  On this particular situation I
grep'd the word uuencode on the Contents file in unstable:

usr/bin/uuencode                                             sharutils

So, it's in the sharutils package which is in the misc directory.


Karl Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Tel: +61-9-455-3446
                                                 Fax: +61-9-455-2776
Network Manager,                                 A/h: +61-9-480-5958
Tower Networking Pty Ltd (ACN: 072 322 760)   | Internet Providers and |
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