On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Good idea. Could I prevail on you to implement it? I'm overwhelmed.
>       Thanks
>       Bruce

If not him, why not me? 

Well here is my first hack to classify the accounts in etc/passwd. But 
for now I don't know enough about dpkg to go on. 

========== cut here ==========
open( PASSWD, "/etc/passwd") || die "Can\'t open /etc/passwd!\n";
open( USRCONF, "/etc/adduser.conf") || die "Can\'t open /etc/adduser.conf!\n";

($login,$pass,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell) = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6);

while (<USRCONF>) {
    if (/.*FIRST_UID=(\d+).*/) {
        ($firstuid = $1) && last;
print $firstuid;
while (<PASSWD>) {
    @account = split(/:/);
    if (@account[$login] eq 'root') {
        $root = join(":",@account);             # Es kann nur einen geben ;-)
    } elsif (@account[$uid] >= $firstuid && @account[$login] ne 'nobody') {
        @user[$u++] = join(":",@account);       # ordinary users
    } elsif ((@account[$pass] ne '*') && (@account[$shell] !~ m!(^$|/dev/null)! 
)) {
        @special[$s++] = join(":",@account);    # eg. SLIP/PPP logins
    } else {
        @system[$y++] = join(":",@account);     # system accounts
print "Root account: ",$root;
print "\nSystem accounts:";
foreach (@system) {
print "\nOrdinary users:";
foreach (@user) {
print "\nSpecial accounts:";
foreach (@special) {
========== cut here ==========

It's me, Manolo!

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