> With the zsh package version 2.6-beta13-2, there is something really
> strange happening when root uses zsh: if I do a
>       % su
> I get a new shell that is *not* a root one, where when I do
>       % su -
> I effectively get a root shell. This is especially strange as the su
> command works perfectly with bash, csh and ksh. I removed all /etc/z*
> login/env files without affecting the bug.
> Any idea about what's happening? Maybe should I file a bug report too...

I can't reproduce this; however, you might make sure you don't have `su'
aliased to something under zsh. Check with `which'.

(I used to have a similar problem because I aliased su to "su -p; chpwd". This
prevented me from giving any arguments to `su', for example to become a user
other than root.)

Robert Leslie

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