The following is the latest of my upgrade notes. The UpGrade script is slightly improved (it can now handle # comment lines). I have also included the, as yet not completely fixed, devel section list at the end of this document. It will upgrade you to a development system that will build a new kernel, but fails to get all of the packages installed (I'm still working on it, if I can ever find some more time)
Some notes on installation of the Debian 1.1 Beta Release. The test bench for the information presented here is a Debian R6 installation. This system is not complex. Aside from the base, network, development, doc, and selected editors, mail-readers and some odd tools, this is a very vanilla installation. No cron jobs have been added to the default configuration provided by the original installation. Before you begin the upgrade you must have a kernel with built-in ELF support (NOT in a module). The test bench used the 1.2.13 kernel, custom compiled with no modules and with ELF support. Those who wish to remain at the 1.2.13 kernel, be assured, you can still upgrade to Debian 1.1. The three steps to prepare the kernel for the upgrade are: 1. Build a new kernel with ELF support built-in. 2. Remove the line in /etc/modules calling for bin_elf support. 3. Reboot with the new kernel. GETTING STARTED Once you have a kernel with built-in ELF support, you first need to upgrade the base packages. These are the packages that were installed from the three "base disks" during the original installation of R6. (Unless of course, you upgraded from a previous version of Debian.) The following list is intended to indicate the proper order of installation and removal of the various packages needed for a clean base upgrade along with the options dpkg needs to properly perform the operations on that package. It is the intent to indicate the order of installation and removal for packages needed by base. The following list is formated to drive a perl upgrade script. This script is uuencoded at the end of this document. -i /base/ -i /base/ libc5 -i /base/ libdb1 -i /base/ ncurses3.0 -i /base/ mbr --purge librl -i /base/ libreadline2 --purge --force-depends ncurses-runtime -i /base/ ncurses-base --purge tput -i /base/ ncurses-bin # If you don't have dialog, uncomment the following #-i /misc/ dialog -i /base/ modconf -i --force-depends /doc/ man -i /base/ libgdbm1 -i /base/ bdflush -i /base/ login -i /base/ getty -i /base/ passwd -i /base/ util-linux -i /base/ debian-utils -i /base/ mingetty -i /base/ adduser -i /base/ ae -i /base/ base -i /base/ bash -i /base/ diff -i /base/ e2fsprogs -i /base/ fdflush -i /base/ fileutils -i /base/ findutils -i /base/ gawk -i /base/ grep -i /base/ gzip -i /base/ hostname -i /base/ kbd -i /base/ mount -i /base/ sed -i /base/ setserial -i /base/ sh-utils -i /base/ syslinux -i /base/ tar -i /base/ textutils -i /base/ timezone -i /base/ image -i /base/ modules -i /base/ procps -i /base/ sysklogd -i /base/ sysvinit -i /base/ bsdutils -i /base/ lilo However you upgrade the base packages, either by hand with dpkg as described above, or using dselect, you will first need to upgrade dpkg. STEP ONE (1) Install dpkg-1.1.5aout.deb. Whether your system is full ELF or not, this is a good starting point. If you have already ditched your libc4 in favor of libc5 you will need the elf version of dpkg. The advantage of this version of dpkg in this installation is that it will do the right thing as the default. After you upgrade the base system you can move ahead to a higher level of dpkg for the rest of the installation. During installation the new dpkg will probably notice some problems with the way the start/stop links are configured for certain daemons, and recommend that you let it change them. Taking the recommendation created no problems for the system produced. Use your own judgment on this. If you have made functional modifications in these areas you probably want to answer no. Once dpkg has been installed you are ready to choose between the "by hand" method using dpkg to create an upgraded system, or the dselect method that will manage the conflict resolution for you. MAKE THE CHOICE There are a number of reasons why you might choose to upgrade your system by hand. Rather than list many of them, missing some, it is left up to you to determine your reasons for doing the upgrade by hand. Once you have decided what your reasons are for taking this path, refer to those reasons often during the rest of the installation. If you choose to go the "by hand" route, work, through the base packages first, then work through the devel section. At this point, pick a target and go for it... If you choose to use dselect, be prepared to read every help screen very very closely. The information you need is usually there, but sometimes you may not realize it at the time. If you are an experienced dselect user you will not find much of interest in the following material and should go ahead and begin your upgrade. CONFIG FILE DECISIONS There are quite a few config files in the base packages. During installation you will be asked about installing new ones from the new packages, over the old ones now on your system. Whether or not you choose the new files over the old is mostly dependent on whether your version has been edited to some custom configuration. You have two choices here. Either say no to these files, or, back up your versions of these files before you allow the new package to overwrite it. Then, after the installation, you can go compare your old file with the new one and integrate your changes in the proper place. During one test run, I answered yes to every configuration file question (except for the lilo stuff) and ended up with a system having no users where root had no password. If you accept the new group files you should probably accept the new passwd file as well, and be prepared to repair the entries for your users and root. The old passwd file is saved under passwd.dpkg-old. For the following files, you will most likely not wish to overwrite these with new ones: /etc/group, /etc/passwd, /etc/inittab, and /etc/lilo.conf. One the other hand, if you haven't made any changes to /etc/init.d/boot, you will most likely want to replace your old file with the new one. The rest of these files should be judged by the above criterion before you overwrite them. USING DSELECT The primary intent of dselect is to do a full installation. For this to work properly you MUST have a complete and clean binary archive. Several packages in the free portion of the distribution recommend packages in non-free. Without this portion of the tree dselect will die with a partial installation. More important than that, this is a BETA release! There may still be packages that break during installation from internal errors, or because they demand unsatisfiable preconditions (example: libc5-dev-5.2.18-2 requires libc5 (=5.2.18-2). If you have libc5-5.2.18-4, which should function properly, it will not install) For the above reasons, I do NOT recommend upgrading via a full installation. As it is the most crucial phase, I have focused most of my effort on upgrading the base packages. Getting these packages installed properly is crucial to the proper operation of your new system. For that reason I suggest you do these by hand. However, we are using dselect in this section, and it can do this job. INSTALLING THE BASE PACKAGES WITH DSELECT OK, you have installed the new dpkg. Now run dselect, choose an Access method, update the packages list, and choose Select Packages. After the intro help screen, you will be presented with the selection window. The 'cursor' is over the section; All Packages. The first thing you want to do is put all packages on hold, so press the 'H' key. We have now informed dselect that we are not doing a full install. Now, use the arrow keys to move the cursor down the list to "Required Base Packages" and press the '+' (plus) key. Now you will end up at a depends screen. Dselect will properly identify the two outdated packages (tput and last), so you can simply press enter here, returning to the selection screen. This completes the selection process and enter will get back to the main menu. Select "Install selected packages" and the installation will proceed. Refer to the previous sections for information on how to answer the con file questions that will arise during this installation. Once you have a successful base upgrade move on to the devel section. There will be a list and more notes for the devel section soon (as soon as I have them finished) begin 775 UpGrade M(R$O=7-R+V)I;B]P97)L("UW"B,*=7-E('-T<FEC=#L*=7-E($5N9VQI<[EMAIL PROTECTED] M"B,*:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"`D(T%21U8@/B`Q(&]R("0C05)'5B`\([EMAIL PROTECTED]@('L*("!P<FEN M="`B57-A9V4Z(%5P1W)A9&[EMAIL PROTECTED]('1O('!A8VMA9V5S(%T@;&ES=%]F M:6QE(%QN(CL*("!E>&ET(#$["[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<&%C:V%G97!A=&@L("1S96%R M8VAP871H+"`D9FEL96YA;64L("1R96-O<F0L("1A<F-H='EP92P@)')N86UE M+"`D9&YA;64I.PIM>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<VEO;BP@)'!A8VMA9V4L("1A=F%I;&%B;&4L M("1S=&%T=7,L("1C:&5C:S$L("1C:&5C:S(L("1C;VUM86YD+"`D:2D["FUY M*$!H;VQD*3L*:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"`D(T%21U8@/"`Q("D*("!["B`@)'!A8VMA9V5P871H M/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@(&-H;VUP("1P86-K86=E<&%T:#L*("`D9FEL96YA;64])$%2 M1U9;,%T["[EMAIL PROTECTED];'-E"B`@>PH@("1P86-K86=E<&%T:#TD05)'5ELP73L* M("`D9FEL96YA;64])$%21U9;,5T["[EMAIL PROTECTED])C:'1Y<&4]8&1P:V<@+2UP M<FEN="UA<F-H:71E8W1U<[EMAIL PROTECTED]:&]M<"`D87)C:'1Y<&4["B,*;W!E;B`H M24Y0551&24Q%+"`B/"1F:6QE;F%M92(I("!O<B!D:64@(D-A;B=T(&]P96X@ M)&9I;&5N86UE7&XB.PHC"G=H:6QE("@D<F5C;W)D(#T@/$E.4%541DE,13XI M"B`@>PH@(&-H;VUP("1R96-O<F0["B`@;7DH0&QS="D]<W!L:70H+R`O+"`D M<F5C;W)D*3L*("!I9B`H(B1L<W1;,%TB(&YE("(C(BD@"B`@("!["B`@("!I M9B`H(B1L<W1;,%TB(&5Q("(M:2(I"B`@("`@('L*("`@("`@)')N86UE/21L M<W1;)"-L<W1=.PH@("`@("`D<V5A<F-H<&%T:#UJ;VEN*"<G+"1P86-K86=E M<&%T:"PD;'-T6R0C;'-T("T@,5TI.PH@("`@("!I9B`H(B1R;F%M92(@97$@ M(FQD+G-O(BD*("`@("`@("!["B`@("`@("`@)&1N86UE/2)L9'-O(CL*("`@ M("`@("!]"B`@("`@(&5L<VEF("@B)')N86UE(B!E<2`B<WES:VQO9V0B*0H@ M("`@("`@('L*("`@("`@("`D9&YA;64](G-Y<VQO9V0B.PH@("`@("`@('T* M("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"(D<FYA;64B(&5Q(")S:"UU=&EL<R(I"B`@("`@("`@ M>PH@("`@("`@("1D;F%M93TB<VAE;&QU=&EL<R(["B`@("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED]@("`@ M("!E;'-E"B`@("`@("`@>PH@("`@("`@("1D;F%M93TD<FYA;64["B`@("`@ M("[EMAIL PROTECTED]@("`@("`D8V]M;6%N9#TB9'!K9R`M<R`D9&YA;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&=A=VL@)R]6 M97)S:6]N.B\@>R!P<FEN="(@+B`G)#(G("X@(GTG(CL*("`@("`@)'9E<G-I M;VX]8"1C;VUM86YD8#L*("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED];7`@)'9E<G-I;VX["G-Y<W1E;2`H M(F5C:&\@)R1R;F%M92<B*3L*("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED]&AO;&0]8&QS("1S96%R8VAP871H M)')N86UE*BYD96(@?&[EMAIL PROTECTED]<@)')N86UE8#L*("`@("`@)&%V86EL86)L M93TD:&]L9%LP73L*("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED];7`@)&%V86EL86)L93L*("`@("`@)&-O M;6UA;F0](F1P:V<@+7,@)&1N86UE('QG87=K("<O4W1A='5S.B\@>R!P<FEN M="(@+B`G)$Y&)R`N(")])R(["B`@("`@("1S=&%T=7,]8"1C;VUM86YD8#L* M("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED];7`@)'-T871U<SL*("`@("`@)&-H96-K,3UJ;VEN*"<G+"1S M96%R8VAP871H+"1R;F%M92PB+2(L)'9E<G-I;VXL(BXB+"1A<F-H='EP92PB M+F1E8B(I.PH@("`@("`D8VAE8VLR/6IO:6XH)R<L)'-E87)C:'!A=&@L)')N M86UE+"(M(BPD=F5R<VEO;BPB+F1E8B(I.PH@("`@("!I9B@@*"1C:&5C:S$@ M97$@)&%V86EL86)L92D@;W(@*"1C:&5C:S(@97$@)&%V86EL86)[EMAIL PROTECTED] M("@B)'-T871U<R(@97$@(FEN<W1A;&QE9"(I("D@"B`@("`@("`@>PH@("`@ M("`@("1P86-K86=E/2(D<FYA;64B("X@(BTB("X@(B1V97)S:6]N(CL*("`@ M("`@("!S>[EMAIL PROTECTED]")E8VAO("=086-K86=E("1P86-K86=E(&ES(&%L<F5A M9'D@:6YS=&%L;&5D+B<B*3L*("`@("`@("!]"B`@("`@(&5L<V4*("`@("`@ M("!["B`@("`@("`@)&-O;6UA;F0](F1P:V<@(CL*("`@("`@("!F;W(@*"1I M(#T@,#L@)&D@/"`D(VQS="`M(#$[("1I*RLI('L@)&-O;6UA;F0])&-O;6UA M;[EMAIL PROTECTED];'-T6R1I72`N("(@([EMAIL PROTECTED]@("`@("`@("1C;VUM86YD/21C;VUM M86YD("X@)&%V86EL86)L93L*("`@("`@("!S>7-T96TH(F5C:&\@)R1C;VUM M86YD)R(I.PH@("`@("`@('-Y<W1E;[EMAIL PROTECTED];6%N9"D["B`@("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ M("`@("!]"B`@("!E;'-I9B`H("(D;'-T6S!=(B!E<2`B+2UP=7)G92(@*0H@ M("`@("!["B`@("`@("1C;VUM86YD/2)D<&MG("US("1L<W1;)"-L<W1=('QG M87=K("<O4W1A='5S.B\@>W!R:6YT("(@+B`G)$Y&)R`N(")])R(["B`@("`@ M("1S=&%T=7,]8"1C;VUM86YD8#L*("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED];7`@)'-T871U<SL*("`@ M("`@:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"(D<W1A='5S(B!E<2`B;F]T+6EN<W1A;&QE9"(I"B`@("`@("`@ M>PH@("`@("`@('-Y<W1E;2`H(F5C:&\@)T-A;FYO="!P=7)G92`D;'-T6R0C M;'[EMAIL PROTECTED]@:7,@;F]T(&EN<W1A;&QE9"XG(BD["B`@("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED]@("`@ M("!E;'-E"B`@("`@("`@>PH@("`@("`@("1C;VUM86YD/2)D<&MG("(["B`@ M("`@("[EMAIL PROTECTED]("@D:2`](#`[("1I(#P@)"-L<W0K,3L@)&DK*RD@>R1C;VUM M86YD/21C;VUM86YD("X@)&QS=%LD:[EMAIL PROTECTED]("([?0H@("`@("`@('-Y<W1E M;[EMAIL PROTECTED];R`G)&-O;6UA;F0G(BD["B`@("`@("`@<WES=&5M*"1C;VUM86YD M*3L*("`@("`@("!]"B`@("`@('T*("`@(&5L<V4*("`@("`@>PH@("`@("`D M8V]M;6%N9#TB9'!K9R`B.PH@("`@("!F;W(@*"1I(#T@,#L@)&D@/"`D(VQS M="`K(#$[("1I*RLI('L@)&-O;6UA;F0])&-O;6UA;[EMAIL PROTECTED];'-T6R1I72`N M("(@([EMAIL PROTECTED]@("`@("!S>7-T96TH(F5C:&\@)R1C;VUM86YD)R(I.PH@("`@ M("!S>7-T96TH)&-O;6UA;F0I.PH@("`@("!]"B`@("!]"[EMAIL PROTECTED];&]S92!) 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Choose another if you don't like info -i /doc/ info -i /devel/ gclinfo -i /devel/ gdb -i /devel/ glibcdoc -i /devel/ gmp # -i /devel/ gnats # -i /devel/ gnats-user -i /devel/ guile # ilu depends on python -i /devel/ python -i /devel/ ilu -i /devel/ includes -i /devel/ indent -i /devel/ j1 -i /devel/ libdb1-dev -i /devel/ libgdbm1-dev # libgr-dev depends on libgr -i /graphics/ libgr -i /devel/ libgr-dev -i /devel/ libident -i /devel/ libobjects -i /devel/ libreadline2-dev -i /devel/ libwww-perl -i /devel/ m4 -i /devel/ make -i /devel/ p2c -i /devel/ perl -i /devel/ perl-tk -i /devel/ pmake -i /devel/ ratfor77 -i /devel/ rcs -i /devel/ slang-lib -i /devel/ slang-devel -i /devel/ source -i /devel/ strace # svgalib1-dev depends on svgalib1 -i /graphics/ svgalib1 -i /devel/ svgalib1-dev # tcl conflicts with tcl74 and tcl74-dev --purge tcl -i /devel/ tcl74 -i /devel/ tcl74-dev -i /devel/ tclX # tk conflicts with tk40 and tk40-dev --purge tk -i /devel/ tk40 -i /devel/ tk40-dev -i /devel/ win32binutils -i /devel/ win32gcc -i /devel/ win32libs -i /devel/ xwpe # xxgdb conflicts with xxgdbR6 --purge xxgdbR6 -i /devel/ xxgdb # -i /devel/ zlib1 # -i /devel/ zlib1-dev Dwarf ------------ -------------- aka Dale Scheetz Phone: 1 (904) 877-0257 Flexible Software Fax: NONE Black Creek Critters e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------ If you don't see what you want, just ask --------------