
I just upgraded my R93 system to unstable-elf with help of the nice perlscript
someone posted here, and mucho struggling with dependencies :-) I didn't
like dselect (I apologise for this:), so upgrading by hand was a little slow,
but without any big problems. Some packages needed to be removed before
dpkg allowed me to install newer ones, and dpkg dumped core.
(e.g. dpkg -i blah1.deb blah2.deb blah3.deb, error while installing 
blah2.deb-> segfault before blah3.deb)

Now everything works very well again, my xterms look a little stranger than
before (scrollbars, huh- no arrows anymore. Thanks, xaw3d :), the buttons 
of some applications have now dotted-lines (xaw3d, too?)  and the system 
is more sluggish. It's not a mem problem, it's 32mb (but only a 486/66)
with 10mb free on average... Loading emacs freezes X11 completely for 
about 5 seconds, with a.out everything slowed down during emacs-startup, too,
but not like now. That's the price we pay for new features..

Something positive: I compiled some of my /usr/local programs. Due to more 
shlibs some binaries shrinked from 150k to 80kb. 

One thin about the packages:

I just discovered that taylor-uucp is still a.out :-(

Ok, recompiling isn't a big job, but I'd like to know which other 
packages are still a.out. Is there a quick way to recognise them?

Unpacking, file/ldd blah, deleting takes a long time. 
The 'depends: libc5' field isn't used everywhere, so that's not a 
reliable way to differentiate them...

!   <A HREF="http://home.pages.de/~dc1ik/";>click</A>    ! PGP-public key!

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