>>>>> "E" == Erick Branderhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    E> I have a problem with root login again. All other logins are fine,
    E> but root login is waiting after I typed the password. Even
    E> su isn't working anymore. I updtated some packages, including
    E> a few from Incoming this morning, after reboot, this behaviour
    E> is present. Sound familiar, a solution?

My impression is that this kind of behaviour occurs while the syslogd
is busy logging all the boot messages. When that happens, su and root
logins wait for their turn to record the root access in auth.log. 

   Dr. Lukas Nellen                 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Depto. de Fisica Teorica, IFUNAM |
   Apdo. Postal 20-364              | Tel.:  +52 5 622 5014 ext. 218
   01000 Mexico D.F., MEXICO        | Fax:   +52 5 622 5015

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