In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>on a quite recently installed Debian-1.1 box I sometimes encounter the
>koko:/root>>> ping us1by-6
>PING us1by-6 ( 56 data bytes
>--- us1by-6 ping statistics ---
>5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
>Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=1340)
>I never saw this before ! Anything to worry about ? 
>My netbase is version 2.02-1.

This is a kernel problem, well known about by the kernel
developers. The very latest kernels seem not to have this problem, so
they may have fixed it.

What kernel version are you running? (uname -a will tell you)

I used to have this problem, but it went away when I switched to
kernel version 1.99.5.

Try installing the kernel-image-1.99.7-0.deb package (when it is moved
out of the Incoming directory).


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