On Tue, 4 Jun 1996, Yves Arrouye wrote:
> Since 1.99, I get messages like:
> Jun  4 00:03:50 marin modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
> Jun  4 00:03:52 marin modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5
> in my daemon.log. Do you know what they mean?
Net-pf-3 refers to the AX.25 network protocol, net-pf-4 to IPX and
net-pf-5 to Appletalk.  I had the same problem and since I wasn't using
any of the protocols was instructed to put the following in
/etc/conf.modules to stop the messages:

alias net-pf-3 off  #AX.25
alias net-pf-4 off  #IPX
alias net-pf-5 off  #Appletalk 

There is a discussion of this in the May 1996 archive of the user group if
you want more info. ----Richard

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