H. J. Lu writes ("Re: kernel headers"):
> > 
> > This has already been debated enough.  Debian will continue to include
> > known-working kernel headers with libc unless and until that
> > arrangement proves to be unworkable.  As I have time, I will continue
> > to encourage H.J. Lu and other Linux distributors to do the same.
> I still prefer to use the kernel source installed on the
> system. It is not easy. But otherwise, you may get
> inconsistent result in system calls.

Please explain.  I assume that you're considering the situation where
the kernel version and libc version installed do not correspond, as
otherwise the two sets of header files would be identical.

So, in this case, how is it better for the header files to reflect the
kernel than the library ?  Surely having header files which do not
match the functions being called is no good ?  Surely if the kernel
interface changes, eg by having a structure rearranged, this will need
a corresponding libc change too ?

I'm confused; I hope you'll forgive me for being so bold as to ask
these questions.


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