Here's a message I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], before I discovered 
and signed on to this list.  Has anyone else encountered this?  If yes, 
what was your solution?  Thanks.

// Begin Forwarded Message:
        I'm working on an installation of 1.11, specifically the 1996_6_11
version.  I'm using 1.11 because of the ftp-install option; my machine 
doesn't have a CD-ROM drive, nor do I have access to NFS servers, and I'd 
prefer to install from floppy if at all possible.  (I did a "test" install 
of 0.93r6 yesterday, and didn't see this option there.)
        When trying to choose the ftp installation method in dselect, I 
received the following Perl-related errors:

Can't locate in @INC at /usr/lib/perl5/  line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/  line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/  line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
        /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/perl/Net/  line 41.  //line wrapped
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/setup line 8.

query/setup script returned error exit status 2.
// End Forwarded Message

        Is this something that using the 1996_6_2 version of 1.11 will 
        Also, does anyone know if (ie, has it been announced that) the 2.0
kernel be incorporated into 1.11, or will 1.11 be promoted to gamma status
essentially "as is" with 2.0 being placed in a later distribution?

        I did a basic install last night with 0.93r6, but I didn't care
when it blew up on the reboot because I had to give the laptop back anyhow.
If LILO was included in 0.93r6, I missed it; if not, having it is a big
plus for 1.11.  I REALLY like the incorporation of the TCP/IP config being
placed in the basic installation configuration; I've done TCP/IP configs by
hand using Slackware and on SunOS (and MacOS and Win95 and Windows-Winsock
and MS-DOS and ...) but it was nice that its inclusion into the install-
config meant I didn't have to.  Nice touch!


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