This is what I found from the debian-announce mailing list 
 > > Date: 20 Jul 96 18:01 UT
 > > Format: 1.6
 >>> Distribution: stable <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 >>> Urgency: High  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 > > Maintainer: Helmut Geyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > > Source: procps
 > > Version: 1.01a-1

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Debian 1.1.2 is Released
Author: at cclink
Date:    29.07.96 03:24

You are missing important things: Why is procps-1.01a not included?
Try a "ps alx" with debian and you will see.

Guy Maor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Debian 1.1.2 is on the master site.  Within a few days, you should see
: it on the mirrors.
: Changes from Debian-1.1.1 are:
:   base-1.1.0-14
:   boot-floppies-1.1.1-10
:   boot disks 1996-07-14
:   kernel-headers, kernel-image, kernel-source 2.0.6
:   xosview 1.3.2-4.1
: Changes from Debian-1.1 are the above and:
:   dpkg 1.2.11
:   kbd 0.91-3
:   perl, perl-debug, perl-suid 5.003-2
:   qpopper 2.1.4-3
: For more information on what bugs these updates fix, see
: Debian-1.1-updates/ChangeLog.
: Debian-1.1.2, also reachable as Debian-1.1-fixed, stable, and
: buzz-fixed, is a symlink copy of Debian-1.1 with the updates from
: Debian-1.1-updates applied.
: Guy

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