This one time, at band camp, Levi Waldron said:
> I'm having a few problems installing Debian on an older Compaq Presario 1020 
> P120 with 48MB RAM.  (Yes I just read the thread on Compaqs - I agree that 
> after I get everything working it'll probably be great)
> 1) The worst one is that after apm -s, apm -S, or alt-F3 the system acts all 
> weird after waking up again.  The clock slows down to about half-speed and in 
> X11 (icewm or blackbox) the screen keeps on blanking, until I reboot.  
> -Doesn't matter whether I suspend in console or X mode.
> -Console mode seems to work find after suspend, although I haven't checked if 
> the clock slows down there too.
> -stopping and starter x server doesn't help.

Not sure about this.

> I'm using a custom kernel with apm loaded as a module but all the other APM 
> options off.  My first custom kernel had most of them on but I recompiled 
> with them off to try and solve the problem.  Should I give up and go to a 
> linux software-suspend?
> 2) How can I make it stop beeping every time I hit tab to auto-complete when 
> there is more than one possibility, and when I hit backspace at the beginning 
> of a line?  Other than turning the volume all the way down.  Happens in 
> console and X.  esound daemon is now uninstalled.

setterm for console, and the various terminal emultaors all have a
seperate way of doing it in X.  Look for sytem bell - can usually be set
to visual, beep or off.

> 3) When I open up an xterm from the icewm toolbar, it doesn't read my .bashrc 
> file.  I have to type source .bashrc to get it to read it.  The command the 
> toolbar runs has the -ls option in it, which should be saying it's a login 
> shell no?  (OK, not Compaq's fault!)

Check that your .bash_profile sources .bashrc, and then all child shells
will inherit it - .bash_profile contains lines to source .bashrc, but
they're commented out by default.

> Other than that, and the modem which pppconfig can't find and I suspect may 
> be a Winmodem (but it doesn't say in the owner's manual!), and the extra 
> multimedia keys which xev doesn't think exist, it's running great.  Emacs and 
> Gnumeric run quite quickly.

Also can't help here - good luck if it's a winmodem.  I would say try
lspci, and check, They may be able to help you.

> Thanks for any help,
> -Levi
|Stephen Gran                  | A princess should not be afraid -- not with   |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]             | a brave knight to protect her.   -- McCoy,    |
| | "Shore Leave", stardate 3025.3                |
|                              |                                               |

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