
I too had a similar problem.  My order from i-Connect was
three weeks late, but I called Simon and he explained the
problems he had and apologized.  He also gave me a new ship
date another week later, which was acceptable.  I would have
liked to have gotten my CD on time too, but sometimes these
things happen.  I know from dealing with Sun Microsystems
that these things happen to everyone and not just i-Connect.

I think that as long as Simon is keeping his customers
properly informed, and not BS'ing us, we should have a
little patience in understanding his situation.  I've been
waiting for Sparc Ultra 2's from Sun for two months, but
instead of getting upset, I simply need to be informed of
the current ship status.  Simon has been honest and up front
with me, so I have nothing bad to say.  If i-Connect can't
meet your needs though, perhaps you should look at other
options.  I simply don't think bashing Simon here is going
to help matters.  JMHO.  :-)

I believe Dale and Bruce are also selling CD's, no?  Maybe
you should see what their lead times are and see if they can
meet your needs.  I can tell you that after finally getting
my Debian CD, it was well worth the wait.

On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Joshua Stockwell wrote:

> I ordered my cd July 26, a little over a week ago, and I still haven't
> received it either. I wish they wouldn't post that they can ship in
> 2-3 days if they can't. That's very frustrating, I've preped my system
> and all I'm waiting for is the distribution.
> I'm going to call and tell them if I don't receive it this week I'm
> canceling my order.
>       -Josh Stockwell

Richard G. Roberto
201-739-2886 - whippany, nj

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