On Tue, 06 Aug 1996 15:42:37 +0200 Michael Gaertner 
> shutdown -h now
> console-message:
> "start-stop-daemon:warning: failed to kill 218: No such process"
> Indeed there is no PID 218. BTW the pid-number changes with every
> shutdown.
> I think it has something to do with X Windows because I have another
> debian-system without X Windows installed - and I don't get this message.

I have the same minor problem, and it's '/etc/init.d/xdm stop' which causes the 
trouble. From what I've found, start-stop-daemon will kill the process tree of 
the daemon to stop. In case of xdm, it will try to kill xdm first, then X.
But, xdm kills X too when it's about to shutdown. The message appears when xdm 
kills X before start-stop-daemon. Sometimes, no message appears, and I assume 
that happens when start-stop-daemon kills X before xdm.

I have no fix yet. (It's only a minor annoyance)


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