Hi, I hope I'm doing this right. I tried to post to the linux.debian.user
newsgroup without success.

Anyway, I just installed Debian 1.1.2 in late July (my first Debian
installation), with a few problems. I've fixed some of them thanks to this
forum, but there are two among the many left that I'm trying to fix right now.

1. dselect didn't configure lpr correctly so I did it myself using the
printing HOWTO which I've done successfully many times before with Slackware
releases. Now root can print but users get the message, "usr can't create
/usr/spool/lpd/hp4p/.seq". This is with the permissions on that file set to
rw_rw_r as the HOWTO says. I tried changing the permissions to rw_rw_rw but
then a user gets the message "usr can't create
/usr/spool/lpd/hp4p/tfA006Aa01777". As far as I know I have the permissions
set correctly in all the directories leading to this file, but this seems
like a permission problem. I'm stuck!

2. another problem, which I didn't have under Slackware, is using a .profile
in the user's home area. I have just one line in it, "alias 'lo'=exit" which
has always worked before but the lo commanded doesn't get recognized. I also
tried renaming the file to .login but still no luck. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Chris Beamis

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