>Hi Mark --
>You asked:
>> because I'd said:
>> >It would be helpful if you could tell us what version of the packages
>> >you have installed.  For example, if you would run this commands:
>> >
>> >      dpkg -l *tex*
>> I noticed that this doesn't work under tcsh, but does work under
>> bash.  Is there a difference between how the * character is treated
>> under the two shells?
>What I'd written was actually not right for either shell.
>I should have written:
>         dpkg -l "*tex*"
>The problem is that without the quotes, the shell expands the argument
>first, before handing it to dpkg.  If there's a file in your current
>directory with a name that matches *tex*, then that file, and only that
>file, is fed to dpkg.  This is not what's intended of course.
>So I tried the correct usage (with the quotes) under tcsh and it worked

But the interesting thing is that dpkg -l *tex* actually _works_ when
run under bash, leading me to think that the bash shell doesn't expand
the argument first.


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