> Is there shadow password support for debian yet? (Or PAM?)

Yes. There is an experimental shadow package, and a libpam has
recently been uploaded (expect it to be visible in a few days).

> Does debian use the "user groups" system that redhat uses, that makes each
> user be in a group containing only themselves, so the umask can be set to
> 002? I see in /etc/group that each user does get placed in their own
> group.

If you want to, you can change this behaviour. (USERHOMES var in 

> Does dpkg have any way to verify a package? If anyone's familiar with rpm
> -V, that's what I'm looking for.. something that can list what files in a
> package have been modified since it was installed. I think I'm out of
> luck here :-( 

dpkg does know about "configuration files" per package. If you've modified
them, and upgrade to a package with a new version of that config file,
dpkg will prompt you to choose between keeping your current file, or
switching to the new default.
You can do "dpkg -s <package>" to list its conffiles.
E.g. adduser has /etc/adduser.conf as a conffile.

Hope this helps,
Obsig: developing a new sig

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