Hi, as I warned, I have many more questions. Here are the first three:

1. This question is more of a general bash question and if I
shouldn't be posting it here someone let me know and I won't
pester this group about it any more. All the following applies
to the root account, I haven't checked it for an ordinary user yet.

After I modified my root/.bash_profile
and /.bashrc files to include a couple of alias commands dselect
started telling me that I needed /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin
in my PATH when I ran the Install part of it. So added the line:

set PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

to /root/.bash_profile and /root/.bashrc. In addition, in /etc/profile
is the lines:

PS1="\\$ "

export PATH PS1

Now when I say echo $PATH in the login shell I get:


and when I say echo $PATH in shells started with xterm (in shells
started after the first shell in an xsession gets started) I get:


As you can see the PATH in the login shell didn't seem to get the
/usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin or /sbin directories and the PATH in the xterm shell
doesn't have /usr/games in it. I checked and executables in the /usr/games
directory aren't recognized in the xterm shell. One other anomaly I noticed
is that the type size is smaller in the shell started by xterm.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

The next two questions are more debian related.

2. I'm trying to add packages to my installation, among them lyx and
mailcrypt and taper. Dselect complains that lyx needs the package
xforms and mailcrypt needs pgp. However, I have downloaded both of
these packages and told dselect about them. When it asks to

Enter _main_ binary dir

I tell it


Enter _contrib_ binary dir

I tell it


and for Enter _non-free_ binary dir

I tell it


which is where both the packages.gz and the .deb files reside.

I then tell it to Update and then Select and the list in select
contains the packages I expect to see, including pgp-us.deb and xforms.deb.
However, it doesn't seem to install these and I still get errors telling
me that lyx wants xforms and mailcrypt wants pgp.
It also tells me that taper wants ftape which I don't have (see question 3).

What am I doing wrong with dselect that it won't recognize packages
which I know are there?

3. I can't find ftape anywhere. Does anyone know where to find this?

Thanks in advance.

Chris Beamis

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