On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Casper BodenCummins wrote:

> This is an interesting issue. You might use similar justification for
> leaving all but the essentials out of the distributed kernel. This would
> encourage users to learn how to recompile the kernel, and demonstrate in
> doing so that it's surprisingly simple.
> On the other hand, new users might think, 'This kernel doesn't even
> support mice [or whatever]. What a crummy kernel!'. Many are liable to
> come to this conclusion on discovering that only serial mice are (have
> been just recently) supported.
> Since the project's maintainers have decided to compile in a fair range
> of support in the distributed kernel, it's quite reasonable to expect
> something as simple as support for a range of mice to be included.
> The real question is whether the default kernel should be bloated with
> features, or pared down.

I would think off hand that it would make sense to add another tier to 
the install layering.

1'st tier. Floppy set.

2'nd tier. You have a system that will boot off the hard disk.  Note
This means that you need to include lilo on the boot floppy system.  
Much as I like debian, my experience with slackware was a lot more
transparent for getting through this stage.  At this point you are
booting with a minimal kernel.  Since you aren't working with mice
the kernel has no mouse support.  However to boot off the hard disk
the kernel must have hard disk support.  This probably means support
for numerous scsi cards too.

3'rd tier. Configure to specific hardware.  This is where you would
tell it what type of sound card, cd-rom, network card.  Some of this
can be done by autodetect scripts. At the end of this tier you should
have a system that can ftp, mount nfs, mount cd-roms. 

4'th tier. Add rest of basic package.  Note:  At present dselect
allows you to pick and choose too early I think.  The basic required
stuff should be done as an automated install.  At the end of this you
have a minimalist, but basic unix machine. 

5'th tier. Normal dselect, where you can pick out what you want.
One of the recommended packages would be kernel builder, which would
guide you through the steps to either select one of a standard set,
or help you to roll your own.

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