>      THE QUESTION - How big can a Debian ( and/or slakware) filesystem be??

The ext2 filesystem can be at least 2 terabytes, with files up to at least 2 
gigabytes. Other filesystems Linux support have lower limits.

>                   - AND is that size limitation consistent with nfs mount   
>                     points?

Don't know, sorry.

>                   - are there any nfs howtos that would be helpful to pick  
>                     through?

There is the NET-2-HOWTO, but don't forget the Network Administrators' Guide.
I think O'Reilly & Associates has a book on NFS, which is probably good
(ORA books tend to be better than average, even if not great).

>         AIX 3.2.5 can mount a file system of _ONLY_ 2 gig !!!

Hah! Linux 0.01 can only mount a filesystem of 64 megabytes!

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