On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Shaya Potter wrote:

>> Well, I'm currently using a Cirrus Logic GD5434, which works fine
>> with XFree in 8 bit mode, but produces streaks at higher bpp's. Anyway,
>> I'm getting a Matrox soon, a real speedster. Thanx for your time...

>From experience Cirrus cards and chipsets work very well with XFree86, and
I would tend to recommend them.

>If you plan to continue to use XFree, then I hope you don't buy a matrox 
>video card.  They do not work with XFree and probably never will.  
>They don't give away the information on how to use their cards, so the 
>only way XFree could use their cards would be if XFree signed a 
>non-disclosure agreement with them, which is kind of hard when you give 
>away the source code to your product.  
>If you are willing to buy a commercail X server from X inside or Metro X then 
>it shouldn't be a problem.  But then again you will have to install it by 
>hand, because their is no debian package for it, and dpkg won't know 
>about it.
>What might be good for you, is that if someone ever comes up with a 
>rpm --> deb utility, you can buy a redhat cd, from cheapbuytes for around 
>$30-40 and it comes with Metro X.  But if you wan't to be able to get all 
>the source code for your programs you are still stuck.

Um, FYI Matroax *HAVE* now allowed the source code to be released, and the
drivers for their cards are being worked on, (at last) so, you can use
this to tell what card to get ;)

-Barry Hughes

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.The courage
to change the things I can.And the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people
               *I had to kill because they pissed me off*
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