I am trying to install the 7-14-96 debian release on a machine
with over 500 megabytes on an IDE hard disk.  I want to have a DOS
partition and a linux partition.  At present fdisk shows:

>    Device Boot   Begin    Start      End   Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/hda1            1        1      356   179392+   6  DOS 16-bit >=32M
> /dev/hda2   *      357      357      966   307440   83  Linux native
> /dev/hda3          967      967      999    16632   82  Linux swap

fdisk also displays a warning:

> The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1025.
> This is larger than 1024, and may cause problems with:
> 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., LILO)

The lilo documentation says:

>Note that large partitions that only partially extend into the "forbidden 
>zone" are still in jeopardy even if they appear to work at first, because 
>the file system does not know about the restrictions and may allocate disk 
>space from the area beyond the 1024th cylinder when installing new kernels. 

Lilo suggests either using LOADLIN or booting from the DOS partition:

> In order to accomplish this, the DOS partition is mounted read-write, a 
> directory (e.g. /dos/linux) is created, all files from /boot are moved to 
> that directory, /boot is replaced by a symbolic link to it, the kernels are 
> also moved to the new directory, their new location is recorded in 
> /etc/lilo.conf, and finally /sbin/lilo is run.

   I tried creating a subdirectory c:\linux in DOS, then from linux:

     mkdir ./dos
     mount /dev/hda1/linux ./dos
     cp /boot ./dos

At this point, I got some warning or error messages.  It looks as though
file names got truncated, and in some cases discarded completely.

>From ls /boot:

>    System.map-2.0.6     chain.b      
>    any_b.b              map          
>    any_d.b              mbr.b        
>    boot.0302            os2_d.b      
>    boot.b               vmlinuz-2.0.6

>From ls ./dos:

>    any_b.b    map       
>    any_d.b    mbr.b     
>    boot.030   os2_d.b   
>    boot.b     system.map
>    chain.b

    I would appreciate some hand-holding at this stage.  Exactly
what commands do I type to carry out the lilo instructions (specifically,
the symbolic link and copying the kernel)?  Or would I be better off
trying loadlin?

    Sorry this has been such a long post.  Thanks for your patience!

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