On Fri, 23 Aug 1996, Luca Maranzano wrote:

> Bruce Perens wrote:
> > > I've tryed to e2fsck /dev/hdc2 (thinking that device 16:02 corresponds
> > > to /dev/hdc2) and it found a lot of errors, but it seemed that e2fsck
> > > was able to correct them all; after rebooting similar messages appeared
> > > again after some hours.
> > 
> > > Any clue about this? 
> > 
> > Any random core dumps? This is going to sound stupid, but check for bad RAM.
> > Any bad block (I/O error) messages?
> Not at all, I've recompiled several times the kernel (even under X) and
> all went fine, so I *think* it shouldn't be a RAM related issue. 
> I've reformatted /dev/hdc2 yesterday with the -c option and all
> was good, and today the same message has appeared again, besides some
> files has been lost. How can I investigate further in the problem
> in your opinion?


I have had similar problems on a Triton 430FX motherboard.  The errors 
seemed to go away once I forced the IDE interface to use a more 
conservative setting than it would normally choose automatically.  I 
suspect that my problem was because one disk was older and less capable 
than the other disk.  The interface chose the MODE 3 of the more recent 
disk and since the 430FX chipset cannot handle different modes for two 
disks on the same interface, the second disk which should have been set 
to MODE 2 (and was detected as such by the BIOS) was causing problems.

As I said, this seems to have fixed the problems so far (I am keeping my 
fingers crossed!)


    *                            Carlo U. Segre                           *
    *      Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences       *
    *        Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616          *
    *   Voice: (312) 567-3498                      FAX: (312) 567-3494    *
    *                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      *

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