> Hakan Ardo writes:
> > Sure it does, the only trouble with that one is that it only uses half of 
> > the paper :) The rest is margins...
> That's true. And I don't know how to solve it correctly. I just entered a
> latex preamble:
> \begin_preamble
> \setlength\oddsidemargin {0mm}
> \setlength\evensidemargin  {\oddsidemargin}
> \setlength{\textheight}{23cm}
> \setlength{\textwidth}{17cm}
> \topmargin-20mm
> \end_preamble
> That works. :-)

Yes, it does, very well. But there should be a way to get hold of the sty 
files, it should prevent a lot of trouble, not only for me.

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