Hi Mike and Candy --

You asked:
> Can anyone clue me in as to how to transfer package 
> information to a floppy in a form that linux can recognize?tried:
> direct copy from mswindows file manager,
Does this mean you had an MS-DOS formatted diskette in your floppy drive?
i.e., After you made the copy from Windows, could you successfully execute
a DOS command like DIR A: (or B:, whichever is appropriate), and see listed
the files you thought you'd copied?

When you booted Linux, did you then make the drive accessible by executing
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy   OR  mount -t msdos /dev/fd1 /floppy
(whichever ...), before executing dselect?

> rawrite but no go also, 
Rawrite doesn't write a file _system_ onto a disk.  It just writes bytes
starting at a specified sector.  In order for a disk written by rawrite 
to be made accessible to other commands (e.g., dselect, or just plain 'ls') 
which are interfaced to the Linux file system, you must first copy the 
appropriate sectors of the diskette into a file.  
For example, to copy the whole diskette into a file in the /tmp 
directory, you'd use (for drive A:):
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/my_file_name

Then you could tell dselect that your files were in a mounted file system,
in directory /tmp.

> booted from custom disk got message that dselectlockfile access denied,
> as well as the tragic news that the child died.

If you'd like to write and read files to a floppy that's got the 
Linux native file system on it, you must "format" the floppy using:

mke2fs /dev/fd0

Then mount the floppy using
mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy

Of course, you could mount the floppy under some other directory if you want.
I'm just using the name "/floppy" because it's supplied with the base system,
and that's what it's there for.  The only advantage in using an ext2-formatted
floppy, as opposed to an MS-DOS formatted floppy is that you can use long
filenames with an ext2 formatted floppy.  The disadvantage is that you can't
read the floppies with DOS.

Be sure to unmount the floppy before you remove it from the drive.  
umount /dev/fd0

I'm not sure if this solves the particular problem(s) you were having.  If
not, send me private email, and I'll try to help you out.

Good luck,
Susan Kleinmann

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