Hi Dirk --
You asked:
> - I was used to have the /etc/profile for the bash and other
> configuration files to be more configured than they are now. 
You might want to look in /usr/doc/examples/bash.

> (How to find a new programm, when you don't know about it :-) 
This must qualify as a billion dollar question.

> - How do you manage updates? 
> I've copied the debian distribution to CD. How to perform any updates,
> when you cannot change the files on CD. Is it possible use a second
> distribution on the harddisk, where I put only the files I want to
> upgrade? 
Sure.  I use the mirror program (in the mirror package, in the net directory
on the FTP sites) to download a fresh copy of the Debian distribution
every once in a while, then one can update the packages from there,
either directly, using 
    dpkg -i package.deb
or through dselect, setting the access method to a mounted hard disk.

> - I was although looking for the olwm window manager. Isn't there a
> openwin package?
I don't see it in the Packages-Master file (kept in the indices
directory at the FTP site) dated August 23.

Good luck,
Susan Kleinmann

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