Christian Hudon wrote:
> We're trying to automount home directories exported from a Solaris 2.5
> server onto a set of Debian boxes... And we're having problems.
> We got the amd maps set up correctly (I checked from another site which is
> also using amd to automount home dirs). But when I start amd and try to cd
> to a home dir, the 'cd' just hangs. And syslog shows amd retrying the
> mount repeatedly.
> The 'share' entry on the Solaris machine looks like this:
> share -F nfs -o rw=debian-machine -d "home dirs" /.home.a
> Has anyone got amd to work on Linux boxes with directories NFS-exported
> from a Solaris 2.5 machine? Any suggestions as to stuff I could try or
> place where I could go for amd-related advice? We really need this
> working... Help!

As a first step - I'll test a static mount and check the list of
exported filesystems on the Sun.  Does a simple "mount" work?
What about "showmount -e sun-machine"?  "rpcinfo -p sun-machine"?
What about logs on the sun machine?  Does it mention your Debian

Another thing - as far as I remember (last time I ran amd on Linux was
about 4 years ago on Linux 0.99p?? :-), amd can be extremly verbose
if you ask it to - check the options for debugging info.

Hope this helps,


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