
After installing Debian v. 1.1.5 it seems to work well enough, but since
the kernel that comes with it is not configured exactly as I would like,
I tried to configure my own kernel using the kernel-source kit (v. 2.0.6).

It compiled and booted fine, but when doing "volumious" disk accesses (ie.
deleting a large directory structure or something similar) the command
crashes with a EIP dump. By checking the EIP value against the System.map
file, the EIP dump seems to be caused by something in a "get_hash_table"

I've also tried a vanilla 2.0.15 kernel, but the same thing also happend
there too (in the very same function)..

The machine is a Fujitsu/ICL ErgoLite Pentium laptop, with a PCI bus and a
1.2 Gb removable EIDE HD (Linux is on a 800 Mb partition).

(I'm also using the Slackware 3.0 distribution that is upgraded to the
2.0.12 version of the Linux kernel on a different disk, but there there are
no problems whatsoever.. This leads me to think that perhaps the EIP dump
described above is caused by something Debian spesific. Perhaps not
everything is upgraded as described in the "Changes" file that follows the
Linux kernel?)

Another small glitch occured during the "dselect" session during the
installation of Debian. The first time I selected all the development stuff
that would like to have installed, including gcc and libraries. In the
"Install" part of the "dselect" session it started by installing the gcc
package, but failed with a message about that gcc was dependant on the
binutils package and required that package to be installed before
attempting to install the gcc package. Now, I _had_ also selected the
binutils package for installation in the same session and halfway expected
that the package system (dpkg) to schedule the installation of the various
packages in the correct way.. (I solved the problem by installing the
packages in two session, saving gcc and friends to the last one.)

By the way, is there a pcmcia and a xemacs "deb" package somewhere?

kind regards,
kjell m.
Slowly and surely the unix crept up on the Nintendo user ...

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