On Aug 29,  8:15pm, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
> Subject: Re: XFree86 3.1.2F plans?
> If one needs a server that is not included (or the version included is
> inadequate) in the current non-Beta XFree86, you need only get the
> _server_ (not the support files), unpack it into /usr/local, and
> modify the first line in /etc/X11/Xserver to point to it.

     Well, what of those that want to try the whole beta?  Its so radically
different, everything that I had in /etc/X11 got stomped on
my /etc/X11 is no more.  Alot of config stuff is different.  So what Im asking
is, how best could I have done this as to not completely fuck up the debian
package database (I was unable to dpkg -r alot of stuff due to fear of also
removing subsidiary packages that depended on X11).  So, now my main question
is, when they DO come out with a .deb or a .tar.gz with debian rules, how will
I best go about not totally stomping all over everything again, and also not
having unaccounted for files?  Thanks

                                            Randall Shutt              
                                            RaveNet Systems, Inc.

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