>Resent-Date: 30 Aug 1996 19:09:23 -0000
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>From: Chris Westwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
>Subject: Debian Color-ls Command?
>Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 19:51:11 +0000
>Organization: Binary Fiction
>Lines: 29
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>This may be one for the Debian FAQ--apologies in advance if you've been
>there before--but I haven't seen an answer to it yet.
>I switched from Slackware (2.3) to Debian just a couple of days ago, and
>can't seem to get color (that's *colour* here in the UK) listings by
>default. Simply typing "ls" gives me the standard white on black, but I'd
>really like to be able to distinguish at a glance between files and
>directories etc. Using the "color-ls -o" command is the only way I can
>achieve this, and even then the colors are ugly defaults, ignoring the
>settings in /etc/DIR_COLORS. (These dircolors settings are displayed
>verbosely on log in, by the way.)
>So far I've installed the base package, basic TCP/networking, GCC and so
>on, ane everything's gone without a hitch. Checking the package details in
>Dselect, it doesn't seem that color-ls is dependent on anything I haven't
>already installed.
>I may be overlooking something obvious, but are there any settings/files I
>need to edit to get what I want? Color's the only thing I'm missing since
>switching from Slackware. In everything else, I'm delighted.
>Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
There is an xterm_color available, but that doesn't seem to give
colors, either...
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