On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Steffen Mueller wrote:

|>Date: Wed, 4 Sep 1996 11:35:25 +0200 (MET DST)
|>From: Steffen Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|>To: Guy Maor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|>Cc: Debian User List <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
|>Subject: RE: How to migrate a Debian system to another hard drive?
|>On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Guy Maor wrote:
|>Hello Guy,
|>> > u can also do it with `cp` - i did that (even moved my /dev)
|>> cp -a is the easiest way to duplicate something.
|>>        -a, --archive
|>>               Preserve  as  much as possible of the structure and
|>>               attributes of the original files in the copy.   The
|>>               same as -dpR.
|>Nono no no... please don't rely on such features of GNU software. This
|>will NOT work with a generic cp on other systems. Please use either a
|>piped tar or a cpio,afio or whatever else. The cp method mentioned above
|>is definitely not the way to solve such general unix administration tasks.
|>cd /
|>find -not -regex "^\./desireddir/.* -not -regex "^\./mnt/.*" | afio -p
|>or with the more widely used cpio
|>'find . -depth | cpio -pdmv /target_directory' 
|>where target_directory is your mounted new partition. 
|>This procedure even works over network connection WITHOUT the use of NFS
|>if your'e using rsh and named pipes. Thus the usage of tapedrives on
|>another machine is possible.
i am telling ya - i moved all my root dir exept /usr from one part to
it worked
i didn't do it with cp -a
there are alot more options that i used , i just don't remmeber them now ,
if u realy want - i can do `man cp` and find out
Boris Beletsky

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