On Fri, 6 Sep 1996, Thomas Schiex wrote:

> >>>>> On Thu, 05 Sep 1996 21:28:37 -0400, "Susan G. Kleinmann" <[EMAIL 
> >>>>> PROTECTED]> said:
> Susan> Hi Hakan -- You said:
> >> I am having trouble with the latex font, all non normal characters like
> >> \"{a}, \aa and so on does not show up in the .dvi file. Has anybody else
> >> moticed this?
> Susan> As far as I can tell, these are not LaTeX constructions, but TeX
> Susan> constructions.  I made a silly .tex file with these lines[...]
> This is not the reason. Accented characters do work in LaTeX as in
> TeX. Actually the following text:
> ---
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> \"a.
> \end{document}
> ---
> does produce an umlaut on the a. The problem may come from the fact that you
> use a wrong encoding (eg.: you actually typed a real "รค" using iso-latin1
> and you use a US cmr font instead of using the "EURO" DC font. In this case,
> and if you use LaTeX2e style as above, try using
>       \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}). 
> So the following text will be Ok (but would'nt w/o the fontenc package).


        Another possibility is that you are trying to use some of the
following commands inside a mathematical formula, without using
\mbox.  From Latex - A Doc. prep. system (Lamport, L.,) pg. 38-39:
        --- ... "The command in Table 3.2 can appear only in paragraphy
and LR modes; use an \mbox command to put one inside a mathematical

 \oe            \aa            \l         ?'
 \OE            \AA            \L         !'
 \ae            \o             \ss
 \AE            \O             

                        Table 3.2

[]s, mario 

   Mario O.de Menezes -    oo-O-oo  - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/SP         | 
 | BRAZIL -  fone (+55) 011-816.9175   fax (+55) 011-8l6.9188      |
 |  http://tucano.ipen.br  -  http://www.ipen.br/~mario/mario.html |

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