On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Boris Beletsky wrote:

> gsolis>now my question is which gcc (what version ?) or what i have to do
> gsolis>for compile the new kernel.?
> i whould say - reinstall the all system
> there lots of thigs that u need to upgrade - libs , etc..
> so i think thats the best thing u could do.
> if u're realy want to do it manualy (NOOO!!!) then email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> he is the only person i know that did it. (crazy hacker)

Crazy -- yes, hacker -- not yet :)

I did it on my slackware (yes! in elder days of Linux) system, well, with
HOWTOs in my hands (actually, with nutscrape between my fingers), but I
won't tell you to RTFM, I'll gladly help.  Well, but I think that
upgrading debian packages will work (but I'm not sure).  My current system
(Debian 1.1, mostly) has a.out libs installed too.

> Regards
> borik

Borik you promised me RedHat fortune ;)

All the best,
Vadik the Elf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

++        _ 
Vadik V. (_`    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.arbornet.org/~vadik/
Vygonets (_.lf  PGP public key (ID 9FC1DED9) available from surfnet.nl
Linux hackers are funny people: They count the time in patchlevels.

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