On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Stoyan Kenderov wrote:

> Boris Beletsky wrote:
> > 
> Hi Boris,
> you might try adding an "-L/usr/X11R6/lib" to the CFLAGS line of the
> Makeflag (or unlesss you don't use one on the gcc line".
> I also had this sort of trouble a long time ago. Which compiler version
> and binutils are you using?

It's better to run this command from /usr:
ln -s X11R6 X11

> It is a misnomer in the configuration of the GCC, ld I think.
> just my 2 cents.

I hate HTMLisms!  I like C! :)


++        _ 
Vadik V. (_`    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.arbornet.org/~vadik/
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Linux hackers are funny people: They count the time in patchlevels.

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