This is being handled by the 'mime.types' file.  I don't really know
enough about it, but I'll take a shot in hopes that it will help.

The remote server has a mime.types file that tells it what
Content-type: line to write out.  You should be able to fix the problem
by getting the site maintainer to add the 'deb' extension to the
'application/octet-stream' line.

It might also work to add 'deb' to the 'application/octet-stream' of
the mime.types file that Lynx is using at your end.  I'm not sure if
this will work, but it's worth a try.

Good luck!

Chris -)-----

On Sep 13,  1:26pm, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Subject: Lynx and binary files
: Good day folks,
: I've been runnning into a problem with lynx and download of files.
: In an ftp-listing I try to download two files
: (a)   x.tar.gz
: and
: (b)   x.deb
: Case (a) works without any problem, but the downloaded file (b) isn't
: usable.  I then took look at the ftpserver and found out that (a) was
: fetched in binary mode, but for (b) an ascii connection was used.
: Before downloading lynx shows the following (not exactly)
: (a)   Content-type: application/GNU Compr. Tar
: (b)   Content-type: text/plain
: The question now is, who tells lynx to identify these files?
>-- End of excerpt from Martin Schulze

Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Networking and Telecommunications Services

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