Johnny>  I do not know why this happens, only that the same thing happend
  Johnny> to me when I tried to format my Quantum Sirrocco 2.5 Gig hard
  Johnny> drive.  Around about the 2.1 gig it starts reporting errors.  I can
  Johnny> only assume that the system cannot handle partitions over 2 gig.

You need a version of fdisk that as recent as 2.0 or better to support disks
bigger than 2 GB, for example the fdisk from util-linux-2.5 which says

        miles:~ [root] # fdisk -v
        fdisk v2.1 (>4GB)     

As for maximal partition size, read (using altavista or dejanews) the
newsgroup article with referenced below, it shows how partitions can be as
large as 959 GB (yes, just under one TB, a million MB). You have to increase
the block size which becomes a little inefficient at that size ... 

I cannot recommend few big partitions anyway. Disks do fail, and you're
better off when it happens on a limited partition, /usr/local say, rather
than on /. 

Subject:      Re: Really 2 GB file size limit?
From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kristian =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hntopp?=)
Date:         1996/07/28
Message-Id:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?entf=E4llt?=
Newsgroups:   comp.os.linux.development.system        

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                   

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