Hi All,

I'm replying to my own message since I got several responses and my problem
is now solved.  Unfortunately, the problem (& solution) turned out to be
completely different.

When I first came up with 2.0.0, I tested the modem with minicom before
attempting PPP.  No problem.  After compiling the new kernel, I didn't test
minicom.  I compiled the kernel a dozen times, sometimes using modules,
sometimes not, etc.  I kept getting "kernel doesn't support ppp".  Well,
while using 2.0.20, I decided to back up a step or 3 and try minicom.
"Device /dev/cua1 is busy".  Ah ha!  After some playing and investigating,
it turns out that xringd (which I need for something else but I'm currently
not using) is grabbing the modem and not sharing nicely.  If I stop xringd,
PPP works great first time, every time, my chat scripts, etc, everything
was OK.  I use xringd and "kernel doesn't support ppp" (probably not the
most intuitive error message ;-).  Once things calm down a bit I'll e-mail
the author of xringd and see if this is a known problem.  It might just be
kernel specific, or I need to recompile it and didn't know.  I don't need
it for a while so I'm not sweating it yet.

(I'm not including my original message, e-mail me with questions)

thanks for all of the replies,


Kevin Conover: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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