On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Greg Smith wrote:

> For some reason, XDM never blanks the screen.  I would like to use
> xautolock to either run xlock as a screen saver or maybe even apm -S 
> to suspend the machine.
> How would I do this?  can I put it in one of XDM's configuration scripts?

The config file you need to change is /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 (for the
console).  Just put the line "xautolock <params> &" into this file.


++        _ 
Vadik V. (_`    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.arbornet.org/~vadik/
Vygonets (_.lf  For PGP public key, email me with sibject "get pgpkey"
Linux hackers are funny people: They count the time in patchlevels.

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