At 16:03 24/09/96 +0200, you wrote:
>At 14:56 24-09-96 +1000, Fundamental wrote:
>>Hi, ive solved all my web server related problems since i changed from NCSA
>>to apache - accept this one...  All my server side includes are now failing
>>with an error message [an error occured trying to process this directive] ..
>>is there something ive missed? This is how i call serversides in my html...
>>                        <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/" -->
>>My srm is configured coreectly (well, its no different in thsi particular
>>area than the old NCSA srm.conf)
>But did you also include the exec_cgi-module during compile-time?
>(I dunno if the "standard" debian-apache has).

How do i find out?

>Something else:
>will there be an "/info" and "/status", besides logging of HTTP_REFERER and
>HTTP_USER_AGENT, in the new distribution (with apache-1.1.1) ??

does the standard apache have referer/agent stats?
i ask because mine doesnt seem to be generating any?


- mIcHaEl

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           "On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions 
            at the dawn of victory, sat down to wait and waiting died."  
                                                        -G.W Cecil/Adlai 

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